A science podcast for science enthusiasts.
From Past Episodes

Director of Research Integrity, Ethics and Education and Professor in the Adams School of Dentistry at The University of North Carolina — Chapel Hill.
’111 - Academic Dishonesty’

Postdoctoral Fellow at The University of North Carolina — Chapel Hill.
’110 - Scientists of the World I’
Asissitant Professor at The University of North Carolina — Chapel Hill.
’109 - Acute Flaccid Myelitis’

Graduate student in Microbiology & Immunology at The University of North Carolina — Chapel Hill.
’108 - Organoids’

Ph. D. candidate in Biochemistry, Microbiology, and Molecular Biology at The Pennsylvania State University — University Park.
’107 - Animal Consciousness II’

Ph. D. candidate in Biochemistry, Microbiology, and Molecular Biology at The Pennsylvania State University — University Park.
’106 - Animal Consciousness’

Ph. D. candidate in Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics at The University of Virginia.
’77 - Cancer Primer’

M.S. candidate in Biological Sciences at The State University of New York — Binghamton.
’104 - Speciation’

Associate Professor of Biology at Drew University.
’102 - SARS-CoV-2 Vaccines’

Professor of Immunology and Molecular Genetics and Microbiology at Duke University.
’99 - Salmonella’
M.S. candidate in Biological Sciences at The State University of New York — Binghamton.
’98 - Innovator Inc(ubator) II’

Ph. D. candidate in Genetics at The University of North Carolina — Chapel Hill.
’97 - Atomic Orbitals’

Associate Vice President for Research & Innovation and Professor of Biology at The San Diego State University.
’96 - Academic Journals’

Ph. D. candidate in Biogeochemistry and Soil Sciences at The Pennsylvania State University.
’94 - Governmental Funding of Science in the US’

M.D. / Ph. D. candidate in Molecular Biology and Genetics at The University of North Carolina — Chapel Hill.
’92 - Non-Mendelian Genetics’

Ph. D. candidate in Molecular Biology and Genetics at The University of North Carolina — Chapel Hill.
’91 - Mendelian Genetics’

Allison Williams and TJ Russell are Ph. D. candidates in Biochemistry, Microbiology, and Molecular Biology at The Pennsylvania State University — University Park.
’Science in Movies IV’

Assistant Professor in Microbiology and Immunology at The University of North Carolina — Chapel Hill.
’89 - Arthropod Vectors’

Ph. D. candidate in Biochemistry, Microbiology, and Molecular Biology at The Pennsylvania State University — University Park.
’88 - Book Club I’

M. D. / Ph. D. student in Microbiology and Immunology at The University of North Carolina — Chapel Hill.
’86 - The Kidneys’

Ph. D. candidate in Cell Biology and Physiology at the University of North Carolina — Chapel Hill.
’85 - The Supposed “Biogenetic Law”

Ph. D. candidate in Genetics at The University of North Carolina — Chapel Hill.
’83 - Horseshoe Crabs’

Graduate student in Genetics and Molecular Biology at the University of North Carolina — Chapel Hill.
’82 - Mitosis and Meiosis’

Director of Radiation Safety at The University of North Carolina — Chapel Hill.
’81 - Radioactivity’

Graduate Student in Microbiology and Immunology at The University of North Carolina — Chapel Hill.
’80 - Chikungunya and Togaviruses’

True Commerce Integration Specialist in App Development (and Hartwick alumnus!).
’79 - Major Spotlight: Pseudo Major’

Ph. D. candidate in Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics at The University of Virginia.
’77 - Cancer Primer’
IT application analyst at the County of Humboldt, California.
’76 - Major Spotlight: Computer Science

Recent Material Science and Engineering graduate from The Pennsylvania State University.
’75 - Major Spotlight: Material Science’

Ph. D. candidate in Ecology and Evolution at Tulane University.
’72 - Birds… and Coffee!”

M.S. candidate in Biological Sciences at The State University of New York — Binghamton

Ph. D. candidates at The Pennsylvania State University — University Park.
’67 - Science in Movies III (w/ Allison Williams and TJ Russell!)’

U.S. Ambassador to the United States… or Ph. D. candidate in Genetics at The University of North Carolina — Chapel Hill.
’66 - Simple Machines’

Ph. D. candidate in Chemistry at The University of North Carolina — Chapel Hill.
’64 - Protein Structure I’

Ph. D. candidate at The Pennsylvania State University — University Park.
’63 - The RNA Earth Hypothesis’

Ph. D. candidate in Biochemistry, Microbiology, and Molecular Biology at The Pennsylvania State University — University Park
’61 - Malaria’

Ph. D. candidate in Virology and Gene Therapy at the Mayo Clinic Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences.
’60 - Zoonosis’

Ph. D. candidate in Microbiology and Immunology at The University of North Carolina — Chapel Hill.
’59 - Nucleic Acids II’

Graduate student at The Pennsylvania State University — University Park.
’57 - Innovator Inc(ubator) I’

Jeffrey Houpt Distinguished Investigator, Professor and Chair of the Microbiology and Immunology department at The University of North Carolina — Chapel Hill.
’56 - Is Science Expensive?’

Ph. D. candidate in Chemistry at The University of North Carolina — Chapel Hill.
’55 - Yeast’
M.S. candidate in Biological Sciences at Binghamton University.
’54 - How are Organisms Related and Classified?’

Assistant Professor of Biology at Drew University.
’51 - Human Immunodeficiency Virus’

Assistant professor in Microbiology and Immunology at The University of Carolina — Chapel Hill.
’50 - Antibiotics and our Future Crisis’

Ph. D. candidate in Genetics at The United… I mean, the University of North Carolina —Chapel Hill.
’49 - Grab Bag IV’

Ph. D. candidates at The Pennsylvania State University — University Park.
’48 - Science in Movies II (w/ Allison Williams and TJ Russell!)’

Ph. D. candidate in the pharmacology department at The University of North Carolina — Chapel Hill.
’46 - Why do Side Effects Vary? (w/ Connor Wander!)’

Associate Professor of Medicine, Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology.
’45 - Crohn's Disease’

Ph. D. candidate in Psychology and Neuroscience at The University of North Carolina — Chapel Hill.
’44 - Spooky Things’

Chemistry Graduate Student at the Colorado State University.
’43 - Scaling Up Chemical Reactions’

M.D. / Ph. D. student at The University of North Carolina — Chapel Hill.
’42 - Non-human Primates as Model Organisms’

Members of East Chapel Hill High School and UNC Chapel Hill.
’41 - iGEM II’

Institute of the Arts and Humanities Program Administrator at the University of North Carolina — Chapel Hill.
’39 - Grab Bag III’

Post-doctoral reseacher at The University of Illinois — Urbana-Champaign.
’34 - Data Visualization and Sonification’

Associate Professor in the Department of Internal Medicine, division of Infectious Diseases, and the Department of Microbiology and Immunology at The University of Michigan — Ann Arbor.
’33 - The Double Doc’

Associate Professor of Chemistry at Emory University.
’31 - The Trials and Tribulations of Graduate Education’
![Emery [formerly Grace] Usher](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5bf4459f55b02cb97825283f/1563972637502-DNZOPM6KL5NQR7EL3BDL/Grace_square.jpg)
Ph. D. candidate in the Biochemistry, Microbiology, and Molecular Biology program at The Pennsylvania State University — University Park. Birthday boy.
’30 - Cells as Model Systems’

Ph. D. candidate in the Biochemistry, Microbiology, and Molecular Biology program at The Pennsylvania State University — University Park.

Ph. D. candidate in Biochemistry, Microbiology, and Molecular Biology at The Pennsylvania State University — University Park.
’27 - Fireworks’
Assistant Professor of Education at The Pennsylvania State University — University Park.
’26 - Grab Bag II’

Ph. D. candidate in Biogeochemistry and Soil Science at The Pennsylvania State University — University Park.
’25 - How are Caves Formed?’

Ph. D. candidate in Chemistry at The Pennsylvania State University — University Park.
’24 - Model of the Atom’

Ph. D. Candidate at Marquette University in the Biology Program.
’23 - A Brief History of Evolution’

Graduate student in the BMMB program at The Pennsylvania State University — University Park.
’22 - The Endosymbiotic Hypothesis’

Graduate student in the Bioinformatics and Genomics program at The Pennsylvania State University — University Park.
’21 - Big Data and Machine Learning’

Lecturer and Academic Advisor at The Pennsylvania State University — University Park (Amber Miller).
Director of Graduate Affairs and Assistant Teaching Professo rat The Pennsylvania State University — University Park (Heather Giebink).
Senior Account Manager at Carl Zeiss MicroImaging (Tom Henderson).
’20 - What do Scientists Do Day-to-Day?’

Biomedical Engineering major (‘22) at The Pennsylvania State University — University Park.
‘19 - Methods to See Really Big Things from Far Away’

Director of Automated Biological Calorimetry and X-ray Crystallography Facility at The Pennsylvania State University — University Park.
’18 - Methods to See Really Small Things’

Visiting Scholar at The Pennsylvania State University — University Park.
’16 - Worms as Model Organisms’

Associate Teaching Professor at The Pennsylvania State University — University Park.
’15 - What are Biofilms?’

Ph. D. student at The Pennsylvania State University — University Park.
’14 - What are Bacteria?’

Earth’s virology professor.
’12 - Enteroviruses that aren’t named Poliovirus’

Hartwick College (‘16), Water Bottling Plant Technician.
’10 - What is the Nobel Prize?’

Chemistry Ph. D. candidate at The Pennsylvania State University.
’9 - The Birds and the Bees, Sperm and Eggs’

Educators from the greater Philadelphia Area.
‘8 - It’s in Their Genes (Nucleic Acids I)’

Associate Professor of Theatre, Penn State Laureate at The Pennsylvania State University — University Park.
’7 - Grab Bag I’

Ph. D. candidate and 3M Fellow at The Pennsylvania State University — University Park.
’6 - Batteries: Zap, but How? ‘

Student of the College of Osteopathic Medicine (‘19) at Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine.
‘5 - How Old are Ferns?’

Undergraduate in Toxicology (‘21) at The Pennsylvania State University — University Park.
‘4 - Mice as Model Organisms’
Undergraduate in Material Science and Engineering (‘20) at The Pennsylvania State University — University Park.
‘3 - The Influenza Vaccine’

![Emery [formerly Grace] Usher](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5bf4459f55b02cb97825283f/1563972637502-DNZOPM6KL5NQR7EL3BDL/Grace_square.jpg)