107 - Animal Consciousness II (w/ Molly Rathbun!)

107. Animal Consciousness II

Sometimes it’s hard to define philosophical concepts scientifically; often it’s troubling to consider science philosophically. Today we’ll talk about consciousness and how Homo sapien sapiens fit into the kingdom of animalia and beyond. Let’s learn to be scientifically conversational.

General Learning Concepts

“But birds have only rarely assembled verbal symbols into their own, original proto-sentences. And, of course, none has declared itself conscious.

That’s too bad, because philosophers tend to regard such statements as the best possible evidence of another being’s consciousness, even among humans. Without one, no matter how long I stared into the crow’s black pupil, wishing I could see into the phantasmagoria of its mind, I could never really know whether it was conscious. I’d have to be content with circumstantial evidence.”

  • When did consciousness begin?

    • Language?

      • “Researchers have long debated when humans starting talking to each other. Estimates range wildly, from as late as 50,000 years ago to as early as the beginning of the human genus more than 2 million years ago. But words leave no traces in the archaeological record. So researchers have used proxy indicators for symbolic abilities, such as early art or sophisticated toolmaking skills. Yet these indirect approaches have failed to resolve arguments about language origins.” https://www.sciencemag.org/news/2015/01/human-language-may-have-evolved-help-our-ancestors-make-tools#:~:text=Researchers%20have%20long%20debated%20when,traces%20in%20the%20archaeological%20record.’

    • Much sooner, before humans?

  • Why evolve consciousness

    • https://www.theatlantic.com/science/archive/2016/06/how-consciousness-evolved/485558/

    • Attention Schema Theory

      • Consciousness is an efficient way for the nervous system to filter through constant information overflow

    • Selective signal enhancement - which neuron’s signal is strongest is the signal upon which the organism acts

      • Hydras do not have this, arthropods do, so after 700 million years ago

    • Tectum - centralized controller of the nervous system - 520 mya

      • Internal model - keep track of physical movement, allowing for prediction and planning, overt attention

      • All vertebrates including lampreys, but not invertebrates, so 520 million years ago, also known as the Cambrian Explosion

    • Enter consciousness: This is where things get weird: 350 million years ago, reptiles, mammals, birds all have cortex area 

      • This next part is all non-physical (except for the role of neurons)

      • Tracks sensory events, enhance tracking of sound and movement and storing that event, even memories and thoughts

      • Covert attention - allows you to be aware of and focus on things without looking directly at them - this is the spotlight - can still focus attention resources - all happens virtually in your head

      • How to control this virtual movement -- attention schema

        • Constant “Refresh” of where you attention is, what its doing, and what it means

    • Social cognition (probably sometimes around or after reptiles)

      • Eventually this all becomes attention schema for what others around you are thinking and doing (recognizing consciousness of others)

  • Culture in non-human animals

    • Tool use patterns amongst sub-populations of species

      • Chimps

      • Gombe Nat’l Park, Tanzania

      • Jane Goodall

      • 1960

    • https://advances.sciencemag.org/content/3/4/e1602750/tab-pdf

    • Australian “Firehawk” raptors

  • Communication between humans and non-human animals

    • Crow recognition of specific humans

  • What are the ethical implications of animal consciousness?

    • Variability in consciousness across the animal kingdom

    • Its not enough to not eat the animal

  • Do plants have consciousness?

  • Do bacteria have consciousness?

    • “So, what about bacteria, the simplest of all cells? Four aspects of bacterial behaviour have received much attention so far: chemotaxis, signal transduction, quorum sensing and the formation of large morphologies. Bacterial signal transduction—more than 50 signals have so far been identified—is controlled by a phosphoneural network in which changes in phosphorylation create or break network connections, thereby acting as logical operators (Hellingwerf, 2005). This process is analogous to changes in dendritic connections in the brain and it enables bacteria to make ‘informed decisions'. Autoamplification of parts of the network in response to environmental signals results in ‘learning behaviour' (Hellingwerf, 2005).” https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3245704/

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