56 - Is Science Expensive? (w/ Craig Cameron!)

56. Is Science Expensive?

This podcast has discussed science and impacts of scientific discovery for one year now. We haven’t yet discussed how a laboratory or university is capable of funding its science. How does science pay for its advances? What are some common line items a biological lab might be responsible for? Is science a business? Let’s learn to be scientifically conversational.  

General Learning Concepts

1)     Discussion questions:

a.     How is science funded? Where does that funding come from?

b.     Are there differences in stipulations from governmental versus private funding agencies?

c.     What are typical scales for grant sizes?

d.     How does the university that houses the professor fit into this? For example, charges to work at the university; for example, startup funds?

e.     What are some smaller items that a laboratory might need to purchase? What are some larger items?

f.      How does a lab decide how many different lab members it can fund? How do their pay-scales vary?

g.     How similar is running a research lab to running a small business?

h.     Are professors well prepared to act like a small business owner?

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