95 - Local Government Public Health (w/ Pam Hemminger!)

95. Local Government Public Health

The show has previously spoken with elected officials, but never during a time of a public health crisis. Today, we discuss Chapel Hill’s response to COVID19. Let’s learn to be scientifically conversational.

General Learning Concepts

1)     Discussion questions:

a.     Does Mayor Hemminger have a background in public health?

b.     Is there a standard set of qualifications for political office (eg. mayor)?

c.     Who is responsible for providing advice or making action decisions relating to public health in Chapel Hill or North Carolina in general?

d.     How has North Carolina responded to the pandemic?

e.     Is COVID-19 a political issue?

f.       How does the local university play into the town of Chapel Hill and its response to the pandemic?

g.     Does this pandemic leave a framework for a response to if another pandemic were to crop up?

h.     How does Chapel Hill’s response to the pandemic affect neighboring towns and cities, if at all?

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